Keep Your Pool in TipTop Shape

At Pools Plus, we offer any and all services to make sure your swimming pool and spa look and run their best. Services include:

Weekly Pool Cleaning and Chemical Service with our “NO GREEN GUARANTEE”

We provide weekly pool cleaning & chemical service so you can have a truly “Maintenance–Free” pool. We don’t require an annual contract, but if you sign up for one, we’ll offer a 10% discount on the service, up front. We also offer cleaning services on any frequency required, including biweekly or even “one-time” (perhaps to help you get ready for that big party this weekend).


Our weekly customers also enjoy the security of our “NO GREEN GUARANTEE”. During the period covered by the service contract, should your pool exhibit an “algae bloom”; Pools Plus will provide additional service and chemicals to remediate the problem – at NO additional cost to you. Some additional restrictions apply, please call or stop in to discuss the details.

Weekly services start at $35.00 per visit depending upon the size of your pool and other factors, such as, water features, attached spas, etc.; plus the cost of the required chemicals. You pay only for the chemicals that are used in your pool and you are relieved from the concern having to safely store any quantity of these chemicals. After every service we leave a report that explains what services were performed, the chemical analysis results of you pool water, the type and amount of any chemicals added, and any special instructions or notes.

Our maintenance technicians will:

  • Bring all required cleaning equipment and chemicals with them on their visit.
  • Brush down the walls of the pool to scrub off any dirt or algae.
  • Vacuum the walls and floor of the pool to remove dirt, pollen, leaves , grass cuttings, etc. from the pool .
  • Run chemical tests to determine if any additions are required to maintain the proper and safe sanitizer levels, pH, hardness, and balance.
  • Properly measure, mix and add required chemicals.
  • Clean or backwash filter media, as required.
  • Inspect and clean Chlorine generator cells, as required
  • Inspect the pool equipment for any leaks, unusual noises, or potential issues.
  • Blow any debris from the pool deck.

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Pool Closing Services

Our pool closing services include:

  • Shock pool
  • Add winterizing chemicals
  • Remove ladders and handrails
  • Cover pool
  • Winterize equipment
  • Install skimmer guards

*(Pools closed in as is condition, cleaning services are available at additional charge)

To schedule your pool closing, fill out our form below.

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Pool Openings

Our Pool opening services include:

  • Remove cover (additional charges may apply for uncovered pools)
  • Reassemble equipment
  • Install ladders, handrails, diving board, etc.
  • Remove debris
  • Inspect the equipment for leaks or other problems
  • Start circulation system
  • Balance water
  • Brush and vacuum
  • Blow off deck
  • Place furniture

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Free In Store Water Testing

If you have questions about the water levels of your pool, bring in a water sample and Pools Plus will analyze the water and provide you with the necessary instruction to ensure proper water balance and chlorination levels. (water samples should be collected from the deep end of the pool and less than an hour old) We sell all chemicals needed to get your water levels to where they should be.

  • Recommended Range (* parts per million)
  • Free Chlorine
  • 1.0 – 3.0 ppm*
  • Total Chlorine
  • 1.0 – 3.0 ppm*
  • Combined Chlorine
  • 0.0 – 0.2 ppm*
  • pH
  • 7.2 – 7.8
  • Hardness
  • 200 – 400 ppm*
  • Alkalinity (w/ stabalizer correction)
  • 100 – 150 ppm*
  • Cyanuric Acid
  • 30 – 150 ppm*
  • Metals: Copper
  • 0.0 – 0.3 ppm*
  • Metals: Iron
  • 0.0 – 0.3 ppm*
  • Total Dissolved Solids
  • 0 – 2000 ppm*


“If you have questions about the water levels of your pool, bring in a water sample and Pools Plus will analyze the water and provide you with the necessary instruction to ensure proper water balance and chlorination levels. (water samples should be collected from the deep end of the pool and less than an hour old)

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Meet The Service Team


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Fill out the form below to schedule the type of service you like right now.

  • First Name *
  • Last Name *
  • Email *
  • Phone *
  • Street Address *
  • City *
  • State *
  • Zip *
  • How did you hear about us? *
  • What is this regarding? *
  • Pool Service
    Remodel / Renovation
    Pool Cover
    Pool Opening
    Pool Closing
    Vinyl Liner Replacement
  • Comments



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